CDC encourages additional COVID-19 vaccine dose for patients 65 and older

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends adults who are 65 or older receive an additional dose of the updated COVID-19 vaccine if they received an initial dose in late 2023 or early 2024. Data continues to show the importance of vaccination to protect those most at risk for severe outcomes of COVID-19. An additional dose of the updated COVID-19 vaccine may restore protection that has...

For healthy older people, aspirin could cause more bleeding.

A new analysis of older people who have never had a heart attack or stroke suggests limited protective power of daily low-dose aspirin, and worrisome side effects. NYT > Health

Moving Is a Monumental Task for Many Older Americans. These Organizers Can Help.

Senior move managers may spend weeks or months helping seniors and their families sort through belongings, pack and move into a new home. NYT > Health

CDC & FDA Identify Preliminary COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Signal for Persons Aged 65 Years and Older

2019 Novel Coronavirus

CDC & FDA Identify Preliminary COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Signal for Persons Aged 65 Years and Older

2019 Novel Coronavirus

Bivalent booster vaccine effective in preventing COVID-19 hospitalization in older adults

  by Craig Boerner The new bivalent mRNA COVID-19 booster vaccines that began being used in September are beneficial in preventing COVID-19-associated hospitalization in persons 65 and over, according to a study released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Investigating Respiratory Virus in the Acutely Ill (IVY) hospital network research group. The multistate...

Older Adults

Older adults, 65 years and older, are at higher risk for severe illness. COVID-19 is a new disease and we are learning more about it every day. 2019 Novel Coronavirus

What Older Adults Need to Know about COVID-19 Vaccines

The risk of severe illness from COVID-19 increases with age, which is why the CDC recommends older adults receive COVID-19 vaccines. 2019 Novel Coronavirus

FDA chief encourages states to open Covid vaccines to older Americans, other groups

The head of the FDA is urging states to begin vaccinating lower-priority groups against Covid-19 as officials try to pick up the pace of the vaccine rollout. U.S. News