Cases, Data, and Surveillance
CDC is aggressively responding to the global outbreak of COVID-19 and preparing for the potential of community spread in the United States. 2019 Novel Coronavirus
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CDC is aggressively responding to the global outbreak of COVID-19 and preparing for the potential of community spread in the United States. 2019 Novel Coronavirus
CDC reports COVID-19 vaccination data online on COVID Data Tracker and in vaccination datasets. 2019 Novel Coronavirus
DPR Construction in partnership with Facebook has launched a workforce development program, Hardhat in Hand, at the Gallatin Data Center. GANNETT Syndication Service
The World Health Organization on Friday said the Covid omicron variant has been detected in 38 countries, up from 23 two days ago, with early data suggesting the strain is more contagious than delta. “We…
Stocks could take aim at new highs, even as investors face data that could show the highest year-over-year jump in consumer prices since 1990. International: Top News And Analysis
Over the course of the pandemic, CDC has been improving the timeliness, completeness, and quality of critical data for the response. 2019 Novel Coronavirus
CDC is offering manfacturers and test developers the right of reference to the CDCÂ Influenza SARS-CoV-2Â (Flu SC2)Â Multiplex Assay. 2019 Novel Coronavirus
CDC reports COVID-19 case counts, deaths, and laboratory testing numbers daily online. Data dependent on jurisdictions’ timely and accurate reporting. 2019 Novel Coronavirus
Additional CDC COVID-related data is supplied by the National Center for Health Statistics, National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network, and Wastewater Surveillance. 2019 Novel Coronavirus
by Paul Govern Clinical teams at Vanderbilt University Medical Center use electronic forms for patient intake, but for various operational reasons, teams devoted to COVID outpatient intake used paper assessment forms. The forms, each with 141 fields, were scanned into the electronic health record upon completion. While these files served clinical documentation purposes, they might…