Local News

What You Need to Know About Variants

Since November 2020, the United Kingdom (UK) has reported a rapid increase in COVID-19 cases in London and southeast England. This rapid increase in cases has been linked to a different version-or variant-of the virus…

Local News

Common questions about COVID vaccine and pregnancy

  Recently, Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Chief Epidemiologist, Dr. Tom Talbot, sat down to speak with his colleague Dr. Milner Staub, one of VUMC’s Adult Infectious Diseases specialists, about COVID vaccines, pregnancy and fertility. Staub,…

Local News

What You Need to Know about Variants

Since November 2020, the United Kingdom (UK) has reported a rapid increase in COVID-19 cases in London and southeast England. This rapid increase in cases has been linked to a different version-or variant-of the virus…