He was a familiar face in movies and on TV before his breakout performance opposite Ali MacGraw in the 1970 blockbuster. But it was overshadowed by years of personal...

Delta Dental’s outgoing CEO Dr. Phil Wenk — a former dentist who joined the dental insurance company in 1997 and stepped into the role of CEO three years later...

Tesla’s troubles with labor unions in Scandinavia deepened, as it lost a legal suit against Sweden’s postal service and Finland joined a solidarity strike. International: Top News And Analysis

Automakers are reconsidering the viability of hybrid vehicles to appease consumer demand and avoid costly penalties related to federal fuel economy standards. U.S. News

People with the genetic disease have new opportunities to eliminate their symptoms, but the treatments come with obstacles that limit their reach. NYT > Health

Ethan Crumbley is scheduled to be sentenced on Friday for killing four of his classmates and wounding others in the 2021 Oxford school shooting. ABC News: Top Stories

The nonprofit, which had $ 1.3 million of revenue in 2021, has 500 members ranging from startups to former startup Amazon.com Inc. “His entrepreneurial spirit … will be a...

Wedgwood Houston’s newest restaurant and rooftop bar proves that growing smaller and staying in your lane is the key to success in Nashville’s restaurant scene. Nashville Business News –...

Sponsored Post Today, accountants are expected to go beyond providing traditional services like day-to-day accounting, bookkeeping, financial reporting, auditing, and tax filing. Clients also expect insights on an organizational...

Among the highlights of his long tenure were supervising the Beatles’ appearances and telling the comedian Jackie Mason he was fired. NYT > Obituaries