Jeffrey Epstein, the 66-year-old financier accused of sexually abusing dozens of underage girls, was taken off suicide watch in the days before he died, a decision experts found bewildering....

Bryson DeChambeau, who has been taken to task for slow play, says other golfers, caddies are the problem: 'They don't care about walking fast.'        GANNETT Syndication Service

Mike Perry suffered a ghastly broken nose in his split decision loss to Vicente Luque in their UFC on ESPN+ 14 bout.        GANNETT Syndication Service

Waffle House shooting hero James Shaw Jr. released a video Friday afternoon walking through his memories of the night everything in his life changed.         GANNETT Syndication Service

Looking to buy a home in the Nashville area? Here's what $ 274,000 will buy you in Portland, Kingston Springs and Murfreesboro.         GANNETT Syndication Service

Clinton High School through the years         GANNETT Syndication Service

Braseel was 24 when a judge sentenced him to life in prison. He’s 36 now, one week into a new life as a free man. He still hopes to clear...

Suspendisse ut urna et sem faucibus porttitor eu in sapien. Donec quis feugiat justo. Pellentesque eget pretium ante. Nulla quis nulla lacus. Nam finibus enim vel dolor sodales, eget...

Quisque ac maximus ipsum, vel lobortis ante. Nulla dapibus ex ut molestie posuere. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer at nulla rhoncus, tristique arcu sit amet, sagittis magna. Mauris...

In elementum felis ac varius condimentum. Phasellus vehicula aliquam nisi in bibendum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut mauris sodales, cursus ante non, imperdiet sapien....