Employers, use this toolkit to plan, prepare, and respond as you reintegrate employees into the workplace. 2019 Novel Coronavirus

This document aims to provide critical COVID-19 information metrics by technical area that response leaders in non-U.S. settings can request to aid in informing COVID-19 response decisions. This document...

Testing 1-3 days before and 2-5 days after travel may reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. Testing does not eliminate all risk, but when combined with everyday precautions like...

A recent law passed by Iran’s hawkish Parliament mandates that Iran ramp up its nuclear program on multiple fronts.  International: Top News And Analysis

Twilio CEO Jeff Lawson explained why companies that promote fringe hate speech and threats for violence should be grounds for service removal. U.S. News

View a map showing the number of confirmed cases in each state of the new COVID-19 variant (B.1.1.7) in the United States. 2019 Novel Coronavirus

COVID-19 vaccination will help protect you from getting COVID-19. You may have some side effects, which are a normal sign that your body is building protection. These side effects...


Learn about COVID-19 vaccine planning, how vaccine recommendations will be made, and the work going into ensuring the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. 2019 Novel Coronavirus

London Mayor Sadiq Khan on Friday declared a major incident over the rapid spread of the coronavirus in the U.K.’s capital city. International: Top News And Analysis

The head of the FDA is urging states to begin vaccinating lower-priority groups against Covid-19 as officials try to pick up the pace of the vaccine rollout. U.S. News