Resources for State, Local, Territorial and Tribal Health Departments 2019 Novel Coronavirus
Information about how to get a CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record card, what to do if you have documentation from vaccination in another country, and how to recognize vaccine card...
Information on testing methods in regards to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). 2019 Novel Coronavirus
Information about COVID-19 quarantine for K-12 schools 2019 Novel Coronavirus
Recommendations to help tribal communities, elders, and leaders decide how best to keep their communities safe and work to prevent the spread of COVID-19 when holding tribal ceremonies such...
A guide for school administrators on how to address COVID-19 cases in schools. 2019 Novel Coronavirus
Take this quiz to test your knowledge and learn about COVID-19 vaccines. 2019 Novel Coronavirus
CDC’s COVID-19 Weekly Partner Calls provide a broad base of partners with updates on the latest guidance, hot topics, and scientific insight on CDC’s COVID-19 response efforts. Each week...
Systemic health and social inequities have put people from racial and ethnic minority groups at increased risk from COVID-19. Take steps to reduce health disparities. 2019 Novel Coronavirus
This guidance outlines key considerations for states and healthcare systems to consider strategies for transferring patients, staff, and supplies between health facilities to optimize patient care, balance resources, and...