
Media Revive Racism Charges Against Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan withstood every Cancel Culture attack possible over the last few years. He’s alt-Right! He’s spreading misinformation! He platforms hate mongers! And, of course, He’s racist! The latter charge proved the most serious given…


Max Adds Trigger Warning to ‘Blazing Saddles’

Cancel Culture has wiped entire films off the map, memory-holed sitcom episodes and coaxed programmers to “warn” viewers about select stories. Other films have watched “problematic” scenes snipped for our “protection.” It’s all happened with…


Meet Alan Ng, Disney’s Worst Nightmare

Siskel & Ebert were the gateway drug for a generation of film critics. Alan Ng is no exception. Ng, the editor-in-chief of FilmThreat.com, recalls seeing Gene Siskel squabble with Roger Ebert on his TV screen…